April-June Edition
Hi Everyone:
A new dawn has emerged! This newsletter is our first On-Line newsletter with very few hard copies being printed. JOHN ABRAMCHUK is spearheading this momentous task and we sincerely thank him.
Way back in 1984 crime was a major concern for our community. I used to type up 3 81/2 x 14 pages double sided crime stats as submitted by our zone Sergeant, 4-4 Police who used to highlight the crime areas within our community. He also provided in-depth information on each crime stat, the hundred block, date and time of offence, what was taken, a reminder tip, and if any arrests were made. This exercise was very valuable in getting residents aware and enlightened, and challenging for all district coordinators to try to bring down the crime rates in their respective quadrants.
January-March Edition
SPRING IS FINALLY HERE! THE Robins are back, and the sparrows are busy mating and getting their house in order for new arrivals! The Magpies are as busy as ever as they and the Sparrows winter here in Alberta.
Cst. Brad Bliek has provided some very useful and necessary tips to protect you from Identity Theft AND scams that are rising quickly. He has also provided tips on computer protection.
Please take a few minutes to become acquainted with identity theft etc. and ensure you are protected from being victimized. It seems ridiculous that we have to be aware and alert at all times but this is the “new world that we live in”. EVERYONE IS SUSEPTIBLE!