The Crossroads Community Block Watch was initially formed in May 1984. By November 1985, all 40 blocks in Mayland Heights were organized with over 90% participation per block. The community was divided according to police geo codes.  Each had a district coordinator representing a geo code. Each district coordinator was responsible for at least 10 blocks, comprising 30 – 40 homes.

Sgt. Paul Gardam was the District 4 Zone Sergeant in charge of Crossroads and policed our community for 9 years. Joyce Wester (Gardam) was part of the original group of 9 who initiated the program in 1984.

Vista Heights became part of Crossroads Block Watch Program in 1995 and has been an integral component of our program since that time. Vista Heights had two district coordinator and 11 organized blocks with approximately 30-40 homes per block.

The Crossroads Block Watch is one of the rare Block Watch programs that survived the test of time. This success is attributed to the board of directors, many who have been involved in the program since inception, as well as the ongoing “working together” partnership we have developed with the Calgary Police Service over many years.

Although the city of Calgary has grown leaps and bounds since 1984, Crossroads Community remains one of the safest and most cohesive communities in the city. Crossroads residents are informed, aware, and alert to the criminal activity in our community. We are deeply committed to ensuring our community projects a small-town atmosphere where neighbours look out for and care for each other. A safe community is also a terrific place to live and raise our children.

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